Friday, August 28, 2009

Vintage Polos...I Just Don't Get

There has been this emergence of the vintage polo. These polos are sold to give you that timeworn look that would take a few washes to create. Have we gotten so lazy that we have to buy pre-washed merchandise or is it just the new cool thing to wear a shirt that already looks five years old? Here are some examples from Ralph Lauren. The first one is a vintage polo that looks really tethered and the other one is sun-washed.

1 comment:

  1. I think the vintage look is good, because more and more fashion lines are using the vintage, dirty jeans, cut jeans ect. It seems more like history is just repeating itself. What was once in on the fashion scene decades ago is now resuffuracing in what I think is one of the best fashion eras. So stay strong vintage polo hopefully more vintage styles will follow this summer and spring.
